What’s Your Mulligan in Life?


In golf, a mulligan is a second chance—a do-over without penalty. In life, we all have moments we wish we could replay. Maybe it’s a decision you made, a chance you didn’t take, or a time you let fear hold you back.

If you could take a mulligan in life, what would it be? More importantly, what did you learn from it?

Share your story and how you’ve used life’s lessons to grow, overcome challenges, and move forward. Let’s support each other on this journey of focus, growth, and thriving.

For Me Golf has taught me more about life than I ever expected. If I could take a mulligan in life, it would be the years I spent trying to control everything—expecting perfection in myself and others, believing I had to have all the answers before I could move forward.

For a long time, I let fear of failure keep me from taking the shot—whether in relationships, business, or personal growth. I spent too much energy looking back at my mistakes instead of focusing forward. It wasn’t until I embraced the mindset I teach in Jack’s Course that I truly started to grow:

✅ Focus on the next shot, not the last one. In golf, you can’t change a bad drive, but you can make a great recovery shot. Life is the same way. The past doesn’t define you—your next move does.

✅ Growth comes from mistakes. Every bad round teaches you something. Every setback in life prepares you for something greater. When I stopped seeing my past struggles as failures and started seeing them as lessons, everything changed.

✅ Thrive by embracing the journey. Golf, like life, isn’t about being perfect—it’s about adapting, learning, and playing the game with confidence. When I started trusting the process instead of fearing the outcome, I finally felt free.

So if I had a mulligan in life, I’d take back the time I spent doubting myself and resisting change. But at the same time, I wouldn’t change a thing—because without those struggles, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.

What about you? If you had a mulligan in life, what would it be? More importantly, what did it teach you?